To enroll as a member of the Central Illinois Beekeepers Association (CIBA), please fill out membership form.
Membership Form Click to download
Checks payable to CIBA $20.
Pay at an event, meeting or Mail form and payment to treasurer
- Patti Koranda/PK/Treasurer
- 6424 Alexander Road
- Heyworth, IL 61745
- Membership dues are $20 per calendar year.
- Membership benefits includes:
- Household membership to CIBA for calendar year,
- One calendar year membership to ISBA (Illinois State Beekeepers Association),
- Use of CIBA Association equipment:
- Extractor 6 or 4 frames
- Extractor kit: uncapping tub, hot knife, bottling bucket, strainers
- Solar melter,
- OA kits
- Observation hive, 6 frame
- Library of 150 books on bees
- Refractor
- Mentorships
- Discounts for events, workshop or courses
- Your contact information is for official CIBA use only. It will not be shared with others.
Please PRINT CLEARLY for accuracy on our part.
Membership Form Click to download