Saturday, February 15, 2025

Field Trips – Mentorship

Upcoming Events


Mentorship/Field Trip CIBA Hives -Inspections, hive work and mentorship on the club hives, weather permitting. Contact me, PK, if planning to come for inspections or work. 309-826-0089

Dates: On pause

Location: PK’s, 6424 Alexander Road, Heyworth, IL, 309-826-0089,

Activity : Hive inspection of the club hives at PK’s. Opening a hive, inspect frames, looking for signs of activity, queen, brood, eggs, pests, diseases, queen cells. Other work for maintenance of an apiary. Bring at least a veil. Suit is helpful.

We may also do some work that is needed for the apiary. We will use the club hive tools for sanitation.

Please let us know if you plan to attend via Facebook or text (309-826-0089) or email ( Let me know if these date don’t work for you. I can schedule other dates.

Hands on Workshop:

Building Event: TBD March 2025 – Build swarm traps and nucs

Past Events

Extraction Event 7/27/24 noon-? Location PK’s 6424 Alexander Road, Heyworth

We will demonstrate methods of uncapping, use of various equipment, and honey harvesting tools. If you have frames to extract, bring up to 24 frames. We will have several stations for uncapping and extractors and people to help you. Not necessary to bring frames. Mead and light snacks

Building hardware: Nuc and Frame building Event Saturday, February 17th, 2024 10-3 pm

Demonstration of building nucs, boxes or frames. You can do a make and take of a nuc for a small fee. Bring any kits for assembling boxes, or frames. Come and learn how to assemble or help or paint or share your knowledge.  Great time to socialize and learn and talk bees.

Activity: Building hardware – Several stations with nail guns, brad nailers, table saw, drills available to use. Members will demonstrate box and frame assembly, how to install plasticell into frames. You can ‘Make and Take’ nucs. Members can help with your equipment assembly. Anyone can help assemble club materials.

Location: PK’s, 6424 Alexander Road, Heyworth IL 61745 (309-836-0089)

Past 8/25/23 Extraction Event 6-8:30 pm Location: Hillco Beekeeping Equipment 447 Oak, Minonk

Activity: Demonstration of uncapping methods, use of various extractor and exploring harvesting tools, maybe some mead sampling.  This will be at Hillco Beekeeping Equipment, 447 Oak St, Minonk, IL 61760.  Let me (PK) know if you will be bringing frames for extraction. Come if you have frames or not.  Great time to socialize and learn and talk bees.

Past February 2nd, 2020 12-4 pm Building Hardware

Activity: Building hardware – Several stations with nail guns, brad nailers, table saw, drills available to use. Members will demonstrate box and frame assembly, how to install wax or plasticell into frames. You can ‘Make and Take’ nucs or frame jigs. Members can help with your equipment assembly. Anyone can help assemble club materials.

Meatballs with HONEY BBQ and snacks provided. Bring your choice of beverage.

Cost: current members free, Renewing or non-members $15 (cost of membership)

Pre-cut Material available for nucs $9, for framing jigs $6. Let us know if you would like these options so we can secure material for you.

If you want to assemble your boxes/frames, bring the material along and we can all help each other. If you don’t need to build anything, come help others, get experience, see other methods, share your knowledge, talk bees and have a good time.

Noon for on-site registration, 12:15 demonstrations starts. Please let us know if you plan to attend via Facebook or text (309-826-0089) or email ( Let me know if you want to build nucs or framing jig.

Past September 28th, 2019 Field Trip 12-4 pm Extraction

Activity: Extraction methods and demonstration, your own extraction, social time, mead sampling

Extraction Field Trip
Extraction Field Trip

Noon on site registration, 12:15 demonstrations starts. Please let us know if you plan to attend via Facebook or text (309-826-0089) or email (

Cost: Members free, Non-members $15

Food: Chili dogs, snacks and bring your choice of beverage

Past April 23rd, 2019 Field trip 5:30 – 8 pm.

(Rain date April 24)

Activity: Hive Inspection, mite count and Vaporizer use. Opening a hive, inspect frames, looking for signs of a activity, pests, diseases, queen cells. Bring at least a veil. Gloves and suit helpful. Club OA vaporizer will be demonstrated.

5:30 on site registration, 6:00 demonstrations starts. Please let us know if you plan to attend via Facebook or text (309-826-0089) or email (

Location: PK House, 6424 Alexander Road, Heyworth IL 309-826-0089. Take 51 south to Bucks road just past Heyworth. Turn east onto Bucks. At the T turn north. Turn west next Road, Alexander. About 2 miles on the south side. Look for the signs.

Cost: Members $10, Non-members $25

Food: Brats and chips. Bring your choice of beverage

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